ISAE 3402 & ISAE 3000

The importance of ISAE 3402 and ISAE 3000 for outsourcing

'Service Organization Control reports' such as ISAE 3402 en ISAE 3000 create added value for suppliers of outsourcing services (service organisations) as well as for their customers:

That's why many service organisations issue Service Organization Control reports. Such as cloud computing and IT service organisations, asset managers, financial services bureaus, logistics service organisations and payroll processors. The best-known types of Service Organization Control reports are ISAE 3402 and ISAE 3000.

What are ISAE 3402 and ISAE 3000?

ISAE 3402 & ISAE 3000 are standards of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). These standards can be used to provide assurance on outsourcing, more specifically:

ISAE 3402 (previously SAS 70) is meant to report on internal controls that are relevant to a customer's financial reporting. In the case that the outsourced services do not relate to financial reporting, the ISAE 3000 standard should be used. For example to provide assurance on availabilitysecurity and privacy.

What are Service Organization Control (SOC) reports?

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) uses the term Service Organization Control (SOC) reports. The ISAE 3402 report type is referred to as SOC1. The ISAE 3000 report type that deals with security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality or privacy is referred to as SOC2. The Americans also offer the option of a seal on the Website of the service organisation that is called SOC3. Many cloud-computing vendors provide assurance to their customers based on SOC2 or SOC3.

ISAE 3402 & ISAE 3000 services of ITegrity

Service Organization Control reports require a thorough knowledge and experience. Such specialism is scarce, even within the community of auditors. ITegrity offers this specialism with the following services:

​The advantages of ITegrity

Read more on our expertise on Outsourcing Assurance.
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