Outsourcing Assurance

Why is outsourcing important?

Outsourcing of business activities is a powerful instrument of management. By outsourcing standard activities to a specialised vendor, an organisation can focus optimally on its core business and also benefit from the economies of scale and expertise of the vendor.

What is Outsourcing Assurance?

Outsourcing Assurance involves the control of outsourced activities, such that the objectives of the outsourcing arrangement are achieved. That the outsourced activities are carried out effectively and efficiently; securely and compliant with laws and regulations. Outsourcing Assurance involves for example:

The expertise of ITegrity

Examples of ITegrity's services on Outsourcing Assurance are:

Read more on ISAE 3402 & ISAE 3000 services on our special page.
Want to know more about the services of ITegrity? Please feel free to contact us.


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